The following is the story of Bitchturd B. Hayes...
My sister's son, (who's in fourth grade) came home from school talking about the president he learned about that day. So, she asked him what the president's name was, "BitchURD Hayes," he responds. She tells him that it must be Richard Hayes. He tells her, "NO MOM it's BITCHARD, with a B!!!" She says, "noooo..." and he says "YEESSSSSS!!!" She tells him, "I'll bet you $5 that it isn't Bitchard." He makes the bet.
I stop her at this point of her story because to me, both of them sound wrong, so being the fucker I am, I do a google. Yeah, it's Rutherford B. Hayes..."Continue," I tell her...
She continues...She tells him that he MUST be wrong for TWO reasons. The first reason, (her words), "No parent in their right mind would EVER EVER, name their kid something that sounds like "bitch-TURD" and, AND, the second reason, I at no point in my life, NO POINT, remember laughing at that name in school or making fun of it, so it can't POSSIBLY be the name of a president of the United States."
Yes, these are her reasons of why 'Bitchard' is not the right my nine year-old nephew.
Fuck. I was pissing in my pants at the hilarity of the story, and how sincere she was in telling it.
Two days later my sister calls me. She informs me that Rutherford B. Hayes had someone in his family named "Birchard" but that she doesn't feel like she owes my nephew the $5. Laughing, I tell her to pay up.
Boom. Shit is fucking ridiculous. And that's how Bitchturd was born.
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